How To Land A Job


STEP 1: Create a Network Map (and put it to action)

If you know someone who with a job, you have a professional network. Are you leveraging it?  

I advise to get a blank piece of paper and start making a list of every person’s name that is within the industry that you desire to be in. Organize this list into hot, warm, and cold groups so you can prioritize the way you should start your reach out. Set an intention for each person on your list. Your overarching goal is to inform them that you are looking for a new job but each contact may present a different strategy.

Your ‘job’ should be to tell every person you know (yes everyone) or meet that you are looking for a job that utilizes your professional skills. People want to help others, it’s innate within us. All you need to do is ask for what it is you desire.  Also ask for a referral. A super effective way to land a job or an interview is through referrals (when someone at the company refers you for the role). It can be tricky to find the right contact at the company—which is why your network is important. Don’t be afraid to ask a contact for a referral—it can be beneficial to your contact at the company as well. Keep it organic and ensure you would be a right fit for the role. If in doubt, simply ask for an introduction to the in-house recruitment or talent team.

Leverage LinkedIn’s powerful search engine functionality to help you with this effort. This will build the groundwork, and it's what we found most useful in a productive job search.

STEP 2: Know your Value Proposition

Do you know your value proposition? This can also be described as your Executive Brand. What are you really good at? What do you want to accomplish? What are your top three strengths? If given the opportunity, what is the biggest value you will provide? Be specific with what you want. 

Also, be specific with what company you want to work for, and what role. The more specific you are, the more people can match you to a role. Know exactly what company or organization you want to work for: What size is the company? What is the culture like? What level is the role? What responsibilities would you have? 

Answering these questions provides you clarity on the company you want to work for, and ensuring you’re not wasting your time talking to companies that aren’t the right fit.

STEP 3: Ensure your CV materials (resume, linkedin profile, etc.) are ready!

Do you have a resume that represents the best version of you? If not, we create the best resume ever!! 

Tailor your CV to the jobs and industries you are looking for—you may end up with a few different versions that are relevant to specific roles.

Update your LinkedIn—including your headline, city, intro, and headshot. Turn on the feature “actively looking for work” so recruiters can find you. Upgrade to LinkedIn premium if you can to more effectively engage recruiters.

Write a great cover letter and have a personal summary you can quickly and convincingly share with new people you meet.

If you're looking for more advice on how to really optimize your LinkedIn profile, contact us.

STEP 4: Network

There are a ton of networking events that allow you to meet new people specific to your industry. Do some research on what your city, industry, or role type has in the way of a networking community. Use platforms like meetup, Facebook, and Eventbrite to search networking events. Don’t just attend these events, actively participate in them. Bring your best professional self—and start chatting with others. This is a valuable and accessible way to meet new and interesting people.

STEP 5: Apply

In our experience and industry, applying for jobs online—on websites like LinkedIn—is important, but not as effective as a direct link or referral to the job. Recruiters are inundated with applications. We've learned that it is more effective to go directly through the recruiter, or through an internal source. Don’t be afraid to pause “actively applying” to focus on networking, asking for coffee dates, or reaching out to contacts in your own network for opportunities you may not even know of.

We understand that it is difficult to find a job; but the challenge is always worth the reward—despite the struggle and time—we promise it will be worth it! Remember, every single person has been through it—keep yourself motivated, find your network, and you’ll be employed in no time.