How to Write a Vision Statement


Where do you want to go?

The answer to this question is your vision.

Need More?

A Vision is an aspirational destination, an inspirational point of reference you are working towards, or a motivational picture of success. If all your plans and goals were accomplished tomorrow, then “this” is where you would be. Your vision should be completely unchanging and written in stone.

The benefits of a clearly established vision include:

  • A Purpose - or an energetic and engaging connection between activities, culture, and success.

  • A Focus - activities that are not moving toward the fulfillment of the vision should likely be discarded.

  • A Standard - when disagreements, or tricky situations present themselves, your vision should add clarity for the decisions at hand.

Okay, I get the value and benefits. Now, how do I write a Vision Statement?

Answering these questions will help you write an effective vision statement:

  1. What problem does my organization seek to solve?

  2. Why do I believe this problem needs to be addressed?

  3. Does this problem matter to other people?

  4. Do I honestly believe we have the answer to that problem? (elaborate)

  5. Are there changes I believe my organization can make?

  6. What are the greatest strengths of my organization?

  7. What is my dream for this organization?

  8. How would things be different if my dream came true?

  9. Does my dream connect on a personal level with others?

Now, write your first draft:

In five years from now, my organization <name> will _______________________________ by _______________________________.

Revisit your drafted vision statement over the coming days, be honest with yourself. Test it against the need to aspire, inspire and motivate and don’t be afraid to share it with others.

When it is right, you’ll know it.