How to Write a Mission Statement


First, your Mission Statement is not the same as your Vision Statement, see “How to Write a Vision Statement” to see the difference.

An effective mission statement is a clear, concise, and specific declaration about your business strategy. Every entrepreneur should write a mission statement because it provides a framework and purpose as well as an understanding for your customers on how you provide value to them.

Here are four essential questions your company’s mission statement should answer:

  • What do we do?

  • How do we do it?

  • Whom do we do it for?

  • What value do we bring?

For example, mission statement of Pomegranate Consulting is: “Our mission is to provide tangible and specific business consulting and professional development advice and services to business and career leaders. Our services fulfill the challenges that they face. We will help inspire, educate, and problem-solve for our customers.”

Your mission statement doesn’t have to look the same as everyone else’s. Figure out what’s important to you and your clients and go from there.