The Dreaded Cover Letter

The Dreaded Cover Letter …

The only thing people hate writing more than their resume, is their cover letter.

Lucky for you, I LOVE writing cover letters! Resume’s allow me to capitalize on my organization skills; to diligently work to put all of your talents and experiences into pretty little boxes. Cover Letter’s though, they let me capitalize on my story telling skills.

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Job postings often require it. This is great when they do! When a company requires a cover letter it is because they WANT to know more about you than just your experiences and skills. They want to know your passions and specifically what is drawing you to their open position.

The best cover letter is one that is authentic, specific to the company, and shares gives insights about you that they cannot glean from your resume. You can create a simple cover letter that covers all the main points and then modify it for each job. Here is a general framework that I use when writing a cover letter.

  • Opening:

    Lead with a compelling opening and make it all about them. Share what you like or admire about the company, the job, the industry etc. Pick something that you are genuinely drawn to in the position and share what intrigues you about it. Think of this paragraph as you would if you were meeting an idol of yours. If you met your idol, you would lead with flattery on why you idolize them. i.e. “I love your music.” “I love what you stand for.” “You inspire me.” etc. If you met your idol, you would not open with “I’m awesome, you should get to know me.”

  • Body:

    Prove your worth. Once the reader knows you’ve done your research about them, they will be more inclined to learn more about you. Pick out two bullet points from the job description and show proof of how you’ve been successful tackling this in the past. Share your story or your skills that would make you a great fit for the job.

    Bonus: this is also something you will share in your interview.

  • Closing:

    Summarize why you are the authority in this space, thank them for their time, and indicate your interest one last time. Always end with a “CTA” Call To Action. Be polite and open ended, suggesting that you are excited to offer more information and that you’re looking forward to talking with them.  

If this still feels overwhelming, there’s a fix! I will write you a stand out cover letter so you can apply with confidence. Check out my “Showcase Your Talent” Services here which include Cover Letter creation.